Paul Boeder, MD, FACOG


Birth Center, Women’s Health, Surgical Services

"In my experience the best healthcare comes from a well-informed patient and family with an up-to-date, coordinated team."
  • Gender

Dr. Paul Boeder attended medical school and residency in Milwaukee at the Medical College of Wisconsin, (MCW) and MCW Affiliated Hospitals Residency Program. Dr. Boeder takes a special interest in high-risk obstetrics, minimally-invasive surgery, pelvic support reconstructive surgery, urinary incontinence, infertility, and menopause. Dr. Boeder has 29 years experience in a variety of clinical settings, including high-risk referral centers and smaller communities.

Dr. Boeder enjoys wilderness canoeing and hiking, road cycling, basketball, music, volunteering, and spending time with family and grandchildren.

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